Guangzhou Electronics Industry Association 2016 annual meeting was held for consideration by Haoda tech to become a member


              Guangzhou Electronics Industry Association 2016 annual meeting was                     held for consideration by Haoda tech to become a VIP member

      Guangzhou Electronics Industry Association 2016 annual meeting and the four session of the board of directors in March 29, 2016, held a grand Ocean Hotel in Guangzhou on. Attend this session of the general assembly has four members of the board of directors, supervisors, honorary president, representatives of member units, guests and the relevant departments of the leadership of a total of more than and 150 people.
Guangzhou economic and Trade Commission and the Guangdong Electronics Industry Association, the relevant leaders of the automotive industry association attended the meeting.
The main agenda of the conference is: passed 2015 report on the work of Guangzhou Electronics Industry Association and the work plan for 2016, 2015 annual financial report, review from April 2015 to March 2016, the executive director of the addition of new membership list of members, members and relevant units of speech communication speech.
The meeting was chaired by Pang Tie, President of Guangzhou Electronics Industry Association, and the Secretary General of the association, on behalf of the Council, made a report on the work of the board of directors of the association of industry and Commerce in. Review of the work report of Guangzhou Electronics Industry Association in 2015 to support the correct guidance of the competent departments of the Guangzhou municipal government and the majority of members and participation. The main work are: Innovation of content and form, develop new business, create a new association service platform; play a role as a link, to broaden the channels of communication, actively industry and membership service; strengthen the professional evaluation and continuing education training work, for the industry to explore and cultivate professional and technical personnel. The work of the association has played a positive role in the development of the electronic industry in Guangzhou, and has been well received by the relevant departments and members of the higher level. The main work report Association in 2016 work plan: to continue to play a role as a link, to strengthen the contact with the member, provide more services for the member unit; to strengthen the association of construction, improve the relevant work; pay attention to build production, learning and research cooperation platform, promote the development of the industry association; actively use the title appraisal institutions and continuing education training base more professional and technical personnel for the industry. The new year, the association will provide information services, members of the organization to carry out exchanges and the development of new members, make full use of government and social resources for in-depth membership services and other aspects of further completes the work, rely on the majority of members, to accelerate the pace of reform and Development Association, the bridge frame of government and enterprises pass the good channel, promotion association the maximum service capacity, pragmatic, hard work, and make greater contribution to the development of the industry.
The meeting examined and approved the report on the work of the Guangzhou Electronic Industry Association in 2015 and the work plan for the year of 2016, the annual report of Guangzhou Electronic Industry Association 2015.
General meeting to consider the addition of Guangdong Wang Jing Polytron Technologies Inc executive director unit.
Meeting of the Guangzhou HAODA electronic technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Yangchengtong Co. Ltd., Guangdong grand Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangzhou Xuanwu wireless Polytron Technologies Inc, UF europtronic Information Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing Yingke Law Firm (Guangzhou) and other 6 units for the new member.
During the meeting, Guangdong Fenghua core electric Polytron Technologies Inc, Polytron Technologies Inc, South China Normal University, Guangdong Hongjing Guangzhou Hao Yang Electronics Co. Ltd., Guangzhou Zhiyuan electronics Limited by Share Ltd, Guangzhou Xuanwu radio Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangzhou Ding Jie Software Co. Ltd., Beijing Yingke Law Firm (Guangzhou), Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Xingguo County Government master of Electronic Science and Technology Co. the company, who were responsible for the integrated circuit, Giui alliance, smart city, professional lighting, high-end equipment, enterprise mobile information, intelligent manufacturing, intellectual property protection, regional industrial policy, the optimal cost of electronic components solutions and cloud manufacturing and other aspects of the presentations and interactive communication.
The meeting was a complete success in a warm atmosphere.