Gartner: estimated global semiconductor industry this year by 7.2% of the fastest growing application of the three



                 Gartner: estimated global semiconductor industry this year by 7.2%                  of the fastest growing application of the three

          Research and development institutions Gartner released the latest report pointed out that this year's estimated global semiconductor industry output value of up to $364 billion 100 million, an increase of 7.2% over the same period last year, an annual increase of more than 1.5% obvious rise, on behalf of the industry began to recover. In the product category, not only the memory application needs growth, industrial, automotive and storage products market will show rapid growth trend.

Gartner said that this year the semiconductor market prospects are positive, kinetic energy from the industry back to stock up, and the average price increase, especially the sustainable growth of commodity storage and application specific part of the demand of the market, since the second quarter of last year began to warm, the expected kinetic energy will be the continuation of this year.
Gartner estimates that this year the global semiconductor industry output value of about $14 billion 100 million last year, of which $10 billion from the memory market. Due to the imbalance between supply and demand in the storage industry, product prices continued to rise, pushing up the growth of output value.
In addition, the specific application of the market, the separation of components, as well as analog chip related shipments are also growing, such as the value of the Internet of things, such as the key to increase the value of embedded applications, are driving the main reason for the growth of this year's output value.
The application of Gartner to distinguish, estimated this year contains industrial, vehicle and storage devices, the market value will grow rapidly; the traditional applications include intelligent mobile phone, PC and other related areas of growth momentum is slowing down, it is worth noting that things related demand also began warming.
Legal believes that this year the semiconductor industry including foundry, packaging and testing industry still has a lot of room for growth, especially the rapid rise of the local market demand China, look pretty, will push up Taiwan related manufacturers revenue growth.
In contrast, IC design is affected by the high end market demand uncertainty factors, the performance is relatively pressure, each company will have an expected growth space.